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Do you need help with products or to solve a particular problem? Please use our help form which allows you to upload photos of your issue helping us to solve your problem

If you have an inquiry regarding a previous order or a general enquiry please fill in the form below.

Alternatively you can reach us using the following numbers

Email: office@extensive.co.uk
Telephone: 01962 732 325 (local rate from a BT landline)

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Sending us a photo of your issues can really help us to recommend the products that are right for your issue: This feature works particularly well on smart phones and tablets.


Thank you for your enquiry.

If required someone will be in touch soon

Know what you want?
View our range of stone and tile, cleaning, sealing and maintenance products
Need some advice?

Ask us a question or send us a picture of the problem and we will give you the benefit of 30 years of experience

Don't want to Do-It-Yourself?

Don’t want to Do-It-Yourself? We can do the work for you or put you in touch with a contractor

Contact us for help